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Scott House

Location : Enfield, North London

Type of Works: New Gas Boiler Plant, Heating, Gas and BCWS Risers and HIU’s.

Client : Lawtech/Enfield Homes

Our Role: MEP Consultant

Value: £1,000,000

Description of Works Undertaken: 


The installation of 6no cascade mounted condensing gas boilers, LTHW heating buffer vessels, the installation of a new roof level plantroom, heating, gas and BCWS risers and distribution services over 17 floors, BCWS plant and the installation of 101no HIU’s within each dwelling.  

The works also included the installation of extract valves and the modification of existing ductwork within the kitchen, bathrooms and WC’s, the installation of heat meters within each dwelling linked to a data logger monitoring system, new communal lighting and power on each floor.

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